Tuesday, January 09, 2007

London Mayoral Powers

I do wonder why Lib Dem MP's are wasting precious debating time in Parliament on attempting to pass amendments trying to scrutinise London Mayoral appointments. Having moved a pointless amendment in Parliament, no doubt Tom Brake MP will be soon writing to Sutton Council to demand:

1. Council scrutiny of the Libe Dem and Tory Groups appointment of political assistants.

2. Council scrutiny of the Strategy Committee appointment of senior Council officers as they are in effect appointments made by politicians.

Let's get real. The Mayoral power to appoint would apply whoever was Mayor and I would not criticise who a Lib Dem or Tory Mayor has appointed, just as I have not queried who the local party groups have appointed as political assistants in Sutton. It would be so nice to have a little political consistancy from others.

The Tory amendment to call on the Mayor to consult boroughs was more sensible, but still a little pointless. The Mayor has to consult already on all his strategies and both myself and the Council itself have commented on almost all of them over the last 6 years.


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