London Council's Grants Committee - What are the Lib Dems up to?
I hope Councillor Ruth Dombey is giving regular report backs to the Sutton Lib Dem Group on her role on the London Council's Grants Committee?
As some of you will be aware, this Committee, with no overall majority, but chaired by the Tories, is seeking to substantially reduce its budget spending on London-wide voluntary groups, basically because the outer London boroughs claim they don't get value for money from it.
A few points to consider:
1. The level of grants in real terms is much lower than it ever was under the GLC.
2. 40% of current London borough of Sutton residents spend up to 40% of their lives travelling into central London and using services there. Up to a third of London Borough residents in the next 10 years will be people who have moved out from inner London.
3. Most of the voluntary groups affected are London-wide bodies concerned with tackling less well off sectors of society. Sutton should be proud that it is contributing a tiny investment in organisations that bring such a wide benefit to London as a whole, rather than see all problems stopping at the borough boundary.
I really think that Lib Dem representatives on the Grants Committee should reconsider their support for this sort of short-termist approach and recognise the value of London-wide voluntary organisations, supported by the joint endeavours of London Councils.
The alternative apporach is for the Mayor of London to take over this London-wide activity and leave certain boroughs to look inwards! I am sure Ken would be very happy to oblige!
As some of you will be aware, this Committee, with no overall majority, but chaired by the Tories, is seeking to substantially reduce its budget spending on London-wide voluntary groups, basically because the outer London boroughs claim they don't get value for money from it.
A few points to consider:
1. The level of grants in real terms is much lower than it ever was under the GLC.
2. 40% of current London borough of Sutton residents spend up to 40% of their lives travelling into central London and using services there. Up to a third of London Borough residents in the next 10 years will be people who have moved out from inner London.
3. Most of the voluntary groups affected are London-wide bodies concerned with tackling less well off sectors of society. Sutton should be proud that it is contributing a tiny investment in organisations that bring such a wide benefit to London as a whole, rather than see all problems stopping at the borough boundary.
I really think that Lib Dem representatives on the Grants Committee should reconsider their support for this sort of short-termist approach and recognise the value of London-wide voluntary organisations, supported by the joint endeavours of London Councils.
The alternative apporach is for the Mayor of London to take over this London-wide activity and leave certain boroughs to look inwards! I am sure Ken would be very happy to oblige!
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