Future of Local Maternity Services
Option 1 - Status Quo, but with development of early pregnancy assessment unit at Epsom
Option 2 - Maintain labour ward at Epsom without anaesthetic cover
Option 3 - Consolidate obstetric and neonatal services at St Helier with development of Midwifery Led Delivery Unit on both sites. Ultrasound scanning, antenatal and community midwifery services on both sites. Early Pregnancy Assessment Unit and Maternal Day Assessment Unit on both sites
Option 4 - As for option 3 but with elective caesarean sections also carried out at Epsom
Option 5 - Move all obstetric and neonatal in-patient services to St Helier. Ultrasound, antenatal, community midwifery, and Maternal Day Assessment Unit at Epsom
It is going to start consultation on Options 3 and 5, so Councillor Jayne McCoy had better start campaigning hard for 3 if she wants it. I suspect Option 5 will be adopted on cost grounds, unless there is a strong campaign. The problem for Jayne and the NCT is that people in Epsom may campaign for Option 1, so the Trust will divide and rule again and option 5 will be adopted.