Friday, November 24, 2006

Joint Health Scrutiny on 30 November

I see there is a formal joint health scrutiny meeting on 30 January. I am not sure what purpose it will now have when Better Health Care Closer to Home has sensibly shifted from an acute led process to a PCT commisisoned one. As a result I can't see what the purpose there is for Surrey Councillors to head to Sutton to talk about issues that in our locality are more of a Merton and Sutton issue now. If we are to have a Joint Scrutiny body it really should be a Merton and Sutton one, with Surrey County Council scrutinising their PCT. The cross boundary Acute Trust is dropping out of the equation as it will not be leading on the evolving community services.

Nevertheless it will be interesting to see what all the NHS people have to say and I hope to analyse that in due course.


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