Friday, November 24, 2006

Council Forward Plan - December to March

Just to keep you informed I am publishing the December to March Forward Plan of Strategy Committee and Council Business with the usual commentary. Many Councillors tell me they find this info useful. I'm surprised the Tory Opposition don't use the regular item at Scrutiny Co-ord to ask for pre-decision scrutiny debates on selected items. It's not as if the info is secret.

The Links on each item should take you to the relevant Council contact.

1. Performance Monitor - Half Year Update
Decision Due: 5th Dec 2006

2. Updating the Local Area Agreement
Decision Due: 5th Dec 2006

3. Supporting People Programme
Decision Due: 5th Dec 2006
This could be of interest over the future of key social services

4. Waste Treatment & Disposal Services - Preparatory Work for Procurement
Decision Due: 5th Dec 2006

5. Shared Recruitment Services
Decision Due: 5th Dec 2006

6. Building Schools for the Future Project - One School Pathfinder Scheme - Alternative Site Proposals
Decision Due: 5th Dec 2006
Is Orchard Hill about to be considered for the new Stanley Park? If so they need to also improve the local bus service frequency.

7. Draft Urban Design SPD
Decision Due: 5th Dec 2006

8. Draft Car Clubs SPD
Decision Due: 5th Dec 2006

9. Council Tax Base 2007/08
Decision Due: 11th Dec 2006

10. Gambling Policy
Decision Due: 11th Dec 2006
No doubt we will see an interesting comment from Geiringer/Shields/Pickles (delate as appropriate) when this is debated with "fear of a casino" making an entertaining story.....for about two weeks! Remind me did civilisation end with the new licensing laws?

11. General Fund Expenditure Levels
Decision Due: 19th Dec 2006

12. 'Shaping Tomorrow's Sutton': Draft Corporate Plan 2007/10
Decision Due: 19th Dec 2006
This will be an interesting document and I will know doubt set out my views as will the Lib Dems through the final document. Hopefully the Tory group will set out their views as well?

13. Corporate Performance Assessment 2006
Decision Due: 16th Jan 2007
Will we remain an Excellent Council. I would guess so.

14. Belsize Gardens Extra Care Sheltered Housing - Care and Support Arrangements
Decision Due: 16th Jan 2007
Let's hope they will have replaced the Orchard at the back of the site?

15. Policy for the Operation of the Re-use and Recycling Centre
Decision Due: 16th Jan 2007
This seems to be doing better now, but the steps are still a difficulty for some residents.

16. Private Sector Renewal - Council Loans
Decision Due: 16th Jan 2007

17. Whole Life Cycle and Sustainable Building Appraisal Pilot
Decision Due: 16th Jan 2007
Let's hope it will not be as expensive as BedZed was!

18. Single Equalities Forum
Decision Due: 16th Jan 2007
Has there been any consultaion on this yet? It is probably sensible in view of national changes.

19. HRA Review of Rents and Charges for 2007/08
Decision Due: 16th Jan 2007
An opportunity for the annual review of Sutton Housing Partnership

20. Positive Activities Behaviour Policies
Decision Due: 16th Jan 2007

21. Care Matters - Transforming the Lives of Children & Young People in Care
Decision Due: 16th Jan 2007

22. Future Organisation of Early Years and the Play Service
Decision Due: 16th Jan 2007
This is important for the role out of 14 Children's Centres across the borough as well as for what remains of the Play Service that managed to lead to Sutton Grammar School pupils to petition Strategy Committee last time!

23. Commercial Waste Charges 2007/08
Decision Due: 16th Jan 2007
Well worth keeping an eye on in view of the need to increase business recycling levels.

24. Book Procurement Contract
Decision Due: 16th Jan 2007

25. Revised Tree Policy (Street and Others)
Decision Due: 16th January 2007

26. Draft S106 SPD - Results of Consultation
Decision Due: 16th Jan 2007

27. Revenue Budget 2007/08 - Consultation Responses
Decision Due: 5th Feb 2007
It will be interesting to see if there is much lobbying by groups this year. Note to Lib Dems keep away from Heritage to save yourself time. Will the Tories set out any detailed views even if they don't publish a full alternative budget?

28. Review of Sutton West Site
Decision Due: 5th Feb 2007
This has taken longer than expected and will have an impact on a numnber of social services units.

29. Day Services for Older People - Future Model and Commissioning Options
Decision Due: 5th Feb 2007
It will be interesting to see the results of the consultation and the impact on specific Day centres. The slower approach to implementing change should be welcomed that a big bang approach.

30. Street Scene Strategy
Decision Due: 5th Feb 2007
The current weekly rounds probably need a review. Area Committees should be allowed to feed comments to Strategy Committee prior to any final decisions.

31. Leisure Facilities Strategy
Decision Due: 5th Feb 2007
Hopefully we can move on from contact issues and now look at investment in the Westcroft and Cheam baths sites.

32. Football Strategy and Swimming Strategy
Decision Due: 5th Feb 2007
Do I detect a proposal to look at ground sharing between Sutton United and Carshalton Athletic. I assume the leases would prevent this being anything but voluntary?

33. Library, Heritage & Registration Strategies
Decision Maker: Strategy Committee
Decision Due: 5th Feb 2007
Could we at last see free admission at the Heritage Centre. Having argued for this for 20 years, I would be very pleased to see this.

34. Accommodation Strategy
Decision Due: 5th Feb 2007
Hot-desking for staff perhaps?

35. Insurances Tender
Decision Due: 5th Feb 2007

36. Corporate Procurement Contract
Decision Due: 5th Feb 2007

37. Performance Monitor - Third Quarter
Decision Due: 5th Feb 2007

38. Budget 2007/08 and Associated Matters
Decision Due: 5th Mar 2007
No doubt a lively debate, but will we know what a Tory Council would be like?

39. Review of the Constitution - 2007
Decision Due: 5th Mar 2007
I predict a review of Scrutiny, more SCAGs and a look at Area working.

40. Members Allowances Scheme 2007
Decision Due: 5th Mar 2007
If the Lib Dems are bright they will offer up some of this Tories, including for Opposition Deputy Leader and let them vote to reduce the money and prevent Peter Geiringer from getting any more!

41. Annual Relationship Management Letter 2005/06
Decision Due: 12th Mar 2007

42. Employee Survey
Decision Due: 12th Mar 2007
The third one in the last decade. Should be interesting.

43. Community Strategy
Decision Due: 12th Mar 2007

44. Sutton Partnership - Governance Proposals
Decision Due: 12th Mar 2007
I predict a smaller key body with the Leader of the Council taking a higher profile role

45. Environmental Sustainability Annual Report
Decision Due: 12th Mar 2007


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