Tuesday, July 18, 2006

The "Whip Round" Council

It was good to see that Orchard Avenue Rec now has new play equipment and that Tom Brake MP recently opened it.

What he didn't mention was that residents had to fundraise and secure grants because his Council colleagues in the their 2005 budget agreed to reduce support for smaller playgrounds. Labour Councillors opposed this at the time and warned this would lead to problems.

Of course if we take Tom Brake comments: "if people want something badly enough, by working together and getting organised they can achieve their dreams," to their logical conclusion the Council could cut back loads of services and say to residents, "have a whip-round to save it." For example, could we see Sure Start surviving on that basis?

Unlike the Brake (and David Cameron) visions, there is such a thing as society and it includes the national and local state as well as other local institutions and the wider community!

How about a more positive approach that supports minimum standards of provision with scope for local communities to top-up rather than the approach we have seen develop here.


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