Friday, June 23, 2006

Urban Myth Time

It really is time to kill the urban myth that:

a) St Helier Hospital was built back to front - utter rubbish.

b) St Helier Hospital is sinking - it had foundation problems in the 1960's and was underpinned, but there is nothing to stop a modern rebuild from using the site.

As stated earlier, there is a sensible way to build a modern new hospital on the site as well as separating building traffic from the Ambulance traffic and without touching any MOL land.

If only the majority of Councillors on the Council (we know they are a majority on the Council, but are they a majority in the Lib Dem Group - we shall no doubt find out over the next 4 years?) came out and supported this option the local NHS would start seeing sense.

The danger still remains that Sutton Council will miss its chance to influence events and it will be left to MP's to talk about the issue, when they have much less actual clout on this issue compared to Councillors!!


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