Wednesday, June 14, 2006

No Joy at Pobjoy!!

Walking along Stayton Road, today, I came across Councillor Cliff Carter wallking home. He had just been at a site meeting regarding the Pobjoy Mint and rubbish dumping there.

He agreed with my point, that why don't we just redesignate the site for housing.

I cannot believe that Lyn Gleeson and Ruth Dombey would really disagree with this. Pobjoy is already a 3 storey block and we could get quite a lot of flats on the site, thus taking a little development pressure off other parts of the borough.

Why the hang-up with employment use for the site when Ken Livinbgstone is really keen on the Kimpton Road site (which we should all remember is currently expanding) and the Beddington Lane site (which we should revise our LDF to expand for "green industries" as part of a revised BMAO boundary).

In view of the potential to expand elsewhere, why are we so hung up about the Pobjoy and Paynes sites. The only person who seems in favour is Colin Hall. Perhaps Sutton North Councillors should have a chat with him about it?


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