Friday, December 29, 2006

Sutton Council Capital Programme - 2007-10

Just a few quick comments on this document which is also out for public consultation at present.

1. General
I welcome the fact the key items are up for consultation. I argued for public consultation of the capital programme many years ago and welcome this move forward.

2. Citizenship and Lifeskills Centre
I will comment on this elsewhere, but in principle it sounds good.

3. Voluntary Sector Hub
The proposal for 29/31 West Street is a good one.

4. Leisure Facilities
Westcroft probably needs a rebuild whilst Malden Road baths could later become a joint health and leisure facility.

5. Cultural Facility
I assume this means the Secombe is sold and a new facility is built as part of a development in the High Street. What will happen to Charles Cryer and Wallington Hall? How about rebuilding Wallington as a serious Theatre and attempting to attract the Tramshed Theatre from Croydon to it?


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