Friday, December 29, 2006

Sutton Council Budget Consultation 2007/08

Below is a brief analysis of the Council Budget. For a full commentary on every single budget item go to my Policy4Sutton website:

Some initial points:

1. Despite all the hype, the level of grant, whilst tight, was in line with expectations. Sutton is a quarter of a billion pound local authority and has seen its budget increase from £134 million in 1997 to over a £250 million. An increase of £116 million in the last 10 years is well above inflation!

2. The extra ASD spending is a legitimate cost to the Dedicated Schools Grant and will impact on schools. However there are some opportunities for schools as well in this process.

3. Sutton Council Tax may well rise about 3.5% as the Lib Dems won't want to go too high with a Tory opposition going on about this single thing, without putting an alternative budget forward.

4. The GLA Precept will not go above 5% this year or next. Most extra GLA money is likely to go on extra Policing.

5. There are no proposed growth items at this stage, but look out for the overall level of contingency and balances to see how much flexibility the Council has. In the last two years, this sum has risen to nearly £10 million unallocated at the start of the financial year.

6. Below are some early issues I would express some concern over:

Adult Social Services & Housing

2 Review Provision of Home Care Services
This will reduce the percentage provided "in-house". Councillors may wish to ask what the percentage reduction is compared to this year and over the last 5 years?

Chief Executive's Group

3 Review Grants to Voluntary Organisations
a) Even though the CAB shafted their St Helier service to keep North Cheam bureau, I would still defend their need for their current grant. Maybe the CAB will now shaft North Cheam too?
b) I suspect even the Tories might think spending some money on the SREC makes sense when the BNP got over 500 votes in St Helier and was leafleting Carshalton Central?

4 Restructure Safer Sutton Partnership Service
It would nice to have a debate and some scrutiny about the issue of Parks Police, rather than assume a blank cheque of a £132,000 saving at this stage! Will it be the Neighbourhood Wardens turn next?

Children, Young People & Learning Services

1 Review Play Service / Early Years Provision
Some of this was flagged up last year. I recall talking to Leslie Coman about it. Some ideas make practical sense, however thedanger with some of these proposals, especially the Grange, is they assume the new Childrens centres and Extended Schools will provide a full alternative, when the Council should be using its ability to subsidide to build capacity and choice into this quasi-market.

2 Review of Youth Service
Is Club Constellation being sold off and a new base being created at Centre 21 from the capital proceeds? The Centre 21 concept sound good, but its financing might be controversial?

Environment & Leisure

1 Increase Charge for Pavement Crossing for Car Access
This is arguably discriminatory to the less well off areas of the borough with less off-street parking, who mainly have Lib Dem Councillors!! A bit tactically stupid really?

2 Review Charges for Waste Management Services
a) The charge for replacement wheelie bins could see "bin snatching" in some areas. Not very sensible.
b) The charge for disposal of fridges and bulky items is outrageous and will increase fly-tipping.

3 Review Waste Management Services
a) No doubt the great and good in the local green movement will lobby to keep the adopt a bank scheme. It doesn't seem a lot to spend on extra community engagement?
b) The ceasing of the glass collection will not be popular. I think bottles should go in the green bins ASAP for all areas.
c) I think we should have more details on unauthorised use. Don't we have CCTV on the site?
d) Any changes to the wheelie bin collection should in terms of less going in the brown bins should be piloted in three areas first.


10 Review Charging for Residents' Visitors' Parking Vouchers
Perhaps there should be some consultation on this significant change?


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