Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Decent Homes to Sustainable Communities!

Will the Housing SCAG be submitting a response to the DCLG consultation paper above?

Even though we have rightly set up an ALMO (which was sensible when looked at from our own finances) there is nothing wrong with Sutton Council saying in its Executive role, that it supports:

a) Full Decent Homes Funding

b) An investment allowance and possible borrowing against income streams

c) A level playing field for the "fourth option" Councils after a Housing options appraisal.

d) The ongoing option for Tenants to opt in and out of ALMO status with 2 years notice, with a ballot only allowed once every 5 years.

e) A clear code of practice on tenant and local authority member participation that does not restrict their democratic rights.

f) The development of novel forms of ownership such as the Council owning the freehold of it estates but leasing it on a 125 year lease to a wholly elected tenants board who would then sub-contract the running of it for 30 years with (10 year break clauses) to an ALMO (with current board arrangements).


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