Saturday, October 07, 2006

Social Care Performance Committee - 17 October

A few points:

Item 3 - Sutton Housing Partnership

The delay in obtaining funds for the ALMO will enable a thorough review of its services to occur. This will enable more efficient procurment approaches to be developed so should mean we get more bang for bucks when we do get the money for the 2008-12 period.

Item 5 - Mental Health

This is an excellent document setting out a lot of detail in area where this sort of information has been deficient in the past. This is very helpful for Merton and Sutton Council's and the PCT in providing ammunition for future lobbying for more resources in this area. The focus on community care is vital as I think the Mental Health Trust estates strategy will take up more than the projected 5 years they are currently assuming. Lets get the community services right first before we all get bogged down in issues relating to the estates strategy.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Word on the every reliable grapevine is that the delay is connected in no small part to the outcome of the ALMO's indicative inspection which came back with a handsome collection of potential blackmarks. To be fair to the boy and girls of SHP, it was pretty much on the cards that the inspection would show problems. The speed of progress from council dept to ALMO had been pretty rapid and there had been little time to sort out strategies when the more immediate need was to get that board sorted out.
Which reminds me, in terms of experience and a good borough/country viewpoint, the powers that be at SHP could a lot worse than headhunt our esteemed blogger, Charlie Mansell. If anyone from SHP is listening, prime board material going to waste I feel! (With apologies to Charlie who was not expecting this..)

2:33 pm, October 07, 2006  
Blogger Charlie Mansell said...

Very kind comments. I'm pleased the ALMO is up and running and recognise it will take time to secure all the benefits.

I will do what I can to help.

10:02 am, October 12, 2006  

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