Tuesday, October 24, 2006

October Council Meeting - Report

The Council Meeting had a few items of interest last night.

1. Council Allowances

John Drage announced that there would be a review of Council allowances, implying the Tories will be offered more. Will they accept the money in view of their Council Manifesto commitments? However Peter Geiringer has always gone on about getting a raw deal as Deputy Leader of the Tory Group. So maybe an interesting Group meeting when the money is on the table?

2. Social Services Complaints

As a result of questioning by Tim Crowley, the Council will inform the inspectorate in future over any complaints made about old people's homes.

3. Decent Homes Standard

In view of the confusion over this issue last night, the most likely scenario at present is that instead of Decent Homes Standard for Council properties being achieved by 2010, it is now likely to be 2012-13. It was pointed out at the meeting that Sutton now has the second worst level of homes complying with Decent Homes Standard at only 24.1% (The London Paper – 20 October). This is due to the lower overall level of investment over the last 20 years tied in with the fact we have some of the lowest rents in London. This has been the joint collective choice of Councillors and tenant reps over a long period endorsed by some of the highest tenant satisfaction rates in London. However it is clear that some investment is now needed to bring stock up to date, which is why the Council and tenants strongly supported the ALMO as a way forward. The only way to have made more rapid investment between 1988 and 2000 would have been through the option of Stock Transfer, which had little support from tenants (12% in 1988 and 9% in 2004). By delaying investment decisions, we now have the option of the ALMO and tenants keep the Council as their landlord. This will take longer, but tenant satisfaction remains high and the ALMO does have wider support.

4. Sutton Community Leisure

As I predicted in an earlier posting, Graham Tope admitted last night that SCL had suggested a transfer (novation) to Greenwich Leisure (GLL) . Whilst the Council are examining bids from other providers as well, I hope that this proposal is agreed as it provides clear continuity for staff as well as linking Sutton into the Olympics preparations as GLL provide Leisure services for the 5 main Olympic London Boroughs.

5. Planning and Back Garden Land

In view of the outbreak of consensus on this last night, I predict that “Option 1” in the current planning consultation will be agreed and that the other two options are only being included to pretend to the Planning Inspectorate that the Council are considering them. I am drafting a submission on this.

6. Annual Review

The Tories raised a reasonable point about Plain English. Maybe there should be a scrutiny taskgroup that could look through the Council website and Council publications to make suggestions?

Overall the Tories raised a few issues but did not go over the top. They seem to be learning that it makes more sense to research their subject matter before rushing into an issue. The Lib Dems were quite low-key, however there were good speeches from Graham Tope and Lyn Gleeson.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Conservatives are all in agreement that the unallocated money in the members' allowance budget could be put to better use than dangling a carrot in front of us to accommodate their own peculiar group arrangements.

I'm glad that you noticed the preparation that our group made. Several of our new councillors made some very good maiden speeches, including Terry Faulds, Helen Senior, Eric Howell,John Kennedy and Stuart G-B.

As for me it was half a maiden speech as I spoke at the Annual Council meeting and a somewhat surprised Cllr Brennan apologised for forgetting to acknowledge it. He obviously thinks I'm an old lag by now.

11:09 am, October 25, 2006  
Blogger Charlie Mansell said...

If the Tory Group want to suggest alternative use of their likely increase in allowances then that is fine, though Peter G was always going on about a Deputy Opposition Leader Allowance.

I would agree there were some excellent maiden speeches by new Tory Councillors and apologi=se for not mentioning it, as I was intending to.

As well as the preparation, I think this Tory Group realises the need for pacing itself over issues for what is a 4 year term. I also though the questions were not over the top and did make some useful points. In addition once the Tory Group had secured the debate over SCL and secured clear public commitments on the future of the centres it did not press too hard on what is clearly an evolving issue. It also secured the extra info about GLL, which is broadly in line with one of the options for leisure that existed before the local elections. I will cover this issue in more detail in a full article.

4:22 pm, October 25, 2006  

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